The objective of CAMP is to strengthen the quality and quantity of under served students receiving baccalaureate degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) at the University of California (UC). One way CAMP strengthens, and prepares, students in STEM disciplines is through its programs. Incoming freshmen have the opportunity to apply for the CAMP Summer Science Academy (CSSA), continuing students may participate in How to be Successful in STEM (HTBSS), the CAMP Summer Research Scholars (SRS) program is designed for students conducting undergraduate research, and the CAMP Alumni Roundtables program is designed to prepare CAMP students for graduate school and/or industry. Please click into each section to learn more.
CAMP Summer Science Academy
CSSA is a three-week residential program that prepares newly admitted freshmen in STEM for a successful transition into postsecondary education.
CAMP Summer Research Scholars
(Funded by NSF)
CAMP Summer Research Scholars is an 8-week academic program that augments the experience of UCI students conducting undergraduate research during the summer session.
Edison STEM Transfer Scholarship
Edison International provides a two-year $15,000 scholarship to first year Transfer students in STEM, based on merit and academic promise. The application opens in the fall, and students that are awarded with the scholarship are notified in the winter.
Bridge to the Doctorate
(Funded by NSF)
The BD Program provides fellowship support to a cohort of 12 LSAMP students for the first two years of their STEM graduate studies.
How to be Successful in STEM
This one-workload unit course is designed to provide continuing students with information about how to successfully navigate their academic experience in STEM.
Alumni Roundtables
The Alumni Roundtables event is designed to provide a space for Alumni to have meaningful conversations with current students about how they may further position themselves to be competitive for graduate school and/or industry.
EXCEL is designed to provide CAMP scholars taking introductory Bio or Chemistry courses with a structured study space, and leadership development curriculum.
GRE Preparation Course
The CAMP program partners with the Princeton Review, one of the nation’s leading test preparation organizations, to help prepare students for the GRE exam.
**Students applying to programs funded by NSF must adhere to NSF’s eligibility criteria.